Thursday, February 3, 2011


My kids are growing WAY too fast!! When Brooklynn was a newborn the time seemed to go slowly enough that I felt like I was watching her grow. Now that I have two, I blink and they seem to be bigger than they were the day before. I'm already dreading the day when I will have to send them off to school and not have them here with me.

We are really working on potty training right now with Brooklynn. She could totally be done with diapers if she decided to be. She loves getting a special treat when she goes in the potty but she also likes being the one in control of the situation (not sure where she gets that).

The other day I went in and used the bathroom and when I came out Brooklynn was VERY excited for me! She came running up and said, "Good job Mom! Now you get a treat!" That's right, I'm awesome!

One of the thing Brooklynn loves to do is ride the carousel at the mall. She is under the impression that the zebra is hers, that they reserve it for her even when she isn't there. We were at the mall yesterday and a little girl was riding the zebra. It was very traumatic for her to learn that other people are allowed to ride what is clearly hers. Oh, the difficulties of a two year-old!

I'm very grateful that Brooklynn has come around to liking her role as a big sister. When Emma first came into our home it was not an easy thing for Brooklynn. She wouldn't look at, talk to, or touch Emma. And if Emma were to touch anything that belonged to Brooklynn...well, let's just say many tears were shed the first few months. Now Brooklynn helps me ALL the time! When B is around Emma is never without her binky and always has all her toys piled on top of her. Emma is a loved little girl! And the way Emma lights up when she sees Brooklynn says that Brooklynn is too! I'm so happy that my two girls will have each other as they grow up. I hope that they feel about each other the way I feel about my sisters (and brothers too!)!


  1. Cute pics! I found your blog through your aunt Becky's.....hope that's okay! I miss catching up with you since I got off Facebook. I'll be checking back.


  2. I miss catching up with you too!! Hope you're doing well. And we still need to do lunch sometime!!
