Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Emma Jane

Oh, how I ADORE this little one!! There is nothing like cuddling with Miss Emma and all her cute baby chub! Seeing this smiling face makes my day every day!!

Now if I could just find a way to keep her from growing up SO fast!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I Love To See the Temple

Brooklynn has been obsessed with the Temple since she was about 18 months old. We are fortunate enough to be able to see the Jordan River Temple from our upstairs windows, including B's bedroom. Brooklynn LOVES to point the temple out to us. Whenever we drive anywhere she makes sure that she shows the temple to us or whoever is in the car with her (which includes any stuffed animals she may bring). We sing 'I Love to See the Temple' constantly. It's fun to have a little one that helps us remember the things that are important.

We have been trying SO hard to be better about having family home evening every Monday (it's easy to be better when you are going from NEVER to some!!). It seems that every Monday evening our kids are super happy until we sit down to have FHE!! Suddenly, Emma is screaming and Brooklynn can't sit still...Gotta love it!!

One Tuesday morning Brooklynn when into the living room and sat down at the piano. She told me that she needed to have family night. She played a little song on the piano and sang to herself. After her opening song she said a prayer. Then she started talking to herself about how Heavenly Father gave us the animals and we need to be nice to them. Her lesson was followed with a closing song and prayer. It was awesome!

Brooklynn is in charge of prayers at our house. She always makes sure we say our prayers before we eat...this includes any snacks we may have throughout the day. B loves to say prayers and it has gotten to the point where no one else is allowed to say the prayer. She has a few things that she ALWAYS prayers for. She always thanks Heavenly Father for the temple and Jesus. She always asks for blessing for Mommy, Daddy and Emma. There are usually a few other people thrown in, it varies depending on the day. The one thing that she NEVER forgets to do is to ask Heavenly Father to "bless Chelsea on her mission". Lately, if she ever forgets to ask for blessings for Chelsea, after she says amen she will say, "WAIT! Wait, wait, wait...and bless Chelsea on her mission." I love it and I'm pretty sure the only one who prays for Chelsea more than Brooklynn is my mom!! :)

I am SO grateful for my two little girls! And although this week they have been little monsters (I'm blaming it on daylight savings!!) I wouldn't trade being a mom for ANYTHING!! I'm grateful that Brooklynn helps me to remember what's important in life!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Brooklynn-isms Part 2

A few recent gems from Miss Brooklynn:

I was teasing Brooklynn the other day. Tickling her and chasing her. I lightly squeezed her thigh. She turned to me and said, "No! That's my squishy leg!" I couldn't stop laughing!

Brooklynn woke up on the wrong side of the bed the other day. She was NOT happy about anything! This kid is not a morning person...much like her mother. After a few meltdowns Mark turned to me and said, "That child!" To which Brooklynn responded by screaming, "I AM NOT A CHILD!!"

That same morning I told B she needed to stop being ornery and try to be happy. She screamed, "I AM NOT ORNERY!" We had a great day that day!!

There is a Chinese restaurant in Holladay that we LOVE! It's called Mountain City China. They have the BEST food...but even more than the food we love the owner! She is so sweet! When ever we go get food from her she always sends us home with a big bag of fortune cookies for Brooklynn. B was eating on and she dropped half of it on the floor. Gus came over to check it out. She very sweetly said to him, "No Gus, don't poop on it." Seriously, of all the things he could have done to it, she picks that...

I often tell my girls how pretty they look when they get dressed in the morning. What can I say I have adorable kids!! The other day I was getting ready and Brooklynn came in and said, "Oh, you look pretty." Best compliment EVER!

My aunt Becky is the best and we love to go to her house and play. Brooklynn loves Becky, Anthony, Grandpa Ed and all the kids. The other day Brooklynn saw a picture of Becky. She turned to me and said, "That's my Becky. I love my Becky!" I love our Becky too!!

Mark was chasing B around the other day. He caught her and started tickling her. After a minute she breathlessly told him, "I need a break!"

Love that girl!!