Brooklynn has worked VERY hard to grow the small amount of hair she has. When she wakes up in the morning it looks something like this...One morning we went in to brush her teeth and she looked at herself in the mirror. She laughed and said, "Mom, I need comb my hair, it's dangerous."
With Christmas coming we have been talking to B about the baby Jesus and the things that happened when he was born. We talked about the angels, the Shepard's, the Wise Men, Mary and Joseph. But the thing that B loves the most is the star. She is now constantly talking about the "big, huge star in the sky" and how everyone followed it to baby Jesus. Every time she sees a star she has to tell us about the star of Bethlehem. I LOVE it!
A few weeks ago I asked B if she wanted to go sit on Santa's lap and tell him what she wants for Christmas. She thought about it for a second and then with a very serious look on her face told me, "No, I too big".
When I went to pick Brooklynn up from nursery a few weeks ago, her nursery leader told me that she had asked B what Santa was going to bring her and B had told her "pink and blue". She wondered what that was...I have NO idea! Brooklynn has now started telling everyone she wants "pink and blue". My sister, Emilee, wins for the best guess; something to do with Sleeping Beauty. I guess we'll find out on Christmas morning. We are grateful that she has now added bubble bath to that list.
We took Brooklynn to Zoo Lights for Family Night a few weeks ago. They have a really fun carousel there. She wanted to ride it and we asked her if she wanted Mom or Dad to take her. She said, "Mommy too big. Daddy take me". I'm still not quite sure how I'm supposed to take that one. :)
When B goes to sleep she has to have all her "animals" in bed with her. It's ridiculous! She has been a terrible sleeper from the beginning and bedtime is quite the ordeal. We put her down and within minutes we hear her scampering around. We have started taking one animal away every time she gets out of bed. Oh the tears that come when we take even one little animal away. The other day I went up and laid her back down and took one of the toys and she started crying and yelled, "Be nice to me!"
And finally...Brooklynn has recently started singing at the top of her lungs all the time. The other day she was singing a very beautiful rendition of Frosty the Snowman. I had to stop and listen...she was singing "with a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of corn." When I tried to correct her, she told me I was wrong and now in our house Frosty has eye's of corn.
Oh, how I love my little girls!! They bring SO much joy and laughter into our home!!